What can you buy with ten dollars?
A couple of Happy Meals ! Seven cigarettes each for a family of four! A two mile drive in a Hummer. Or, my personal favorite, one hundred millionth of the 2007 bonus of an AIG executive who drove his company to bankruptcy.
Ten dollars? But how? If only there were some easy commandments to follow...
The Seven and a Half Commandments
One: Thou shalt ignore food fads, food advertising, new food medical findings, and any hint of food political correctness like the spawn of hell !
Two: Thou shalt invest a few bucks to stock your kitchen with basic spices and one amazing device that will change your life forever: the French soup blender (otherwise known as the propeller on a stick).
Three: Thou shalt drink tap water. (unless it's really unsafe in your area)
Four: Thou shalt not keep up with the Joneses or otherwise compete, show off with, or define who you are with food.
Five: Thou shalt honor thy vegetables; including the ones you always hated until now on account of they were overcooked to disgusting, evil smelling mush in your childhood.
Six: Thou shalt not waste. (Seriously. You'll save a lot of money.)
Seven: Thou shalt learn to plan ahead. (ditto!)
Seven and a... Oh, heck, just buy what's fresh and cheap!
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